How would you feel if you kept getting pushed around because the people around you did not like the decision you were making? How would you feel if every time you went to school, checked your email, your facebook, or any social network the same person kept attacking you? What would you say to your child when the worst happens and they get beat up they have to be hospitalized? That is the main question who is to blame or in charge of the bullies many children come in contact with on a daily basis.
Here is the scenario: your son is in junior high he is dark skin has a medium built body he has a smile that will light up the darkest room. He doesn’t play any sports or do boyish things like mess around with girls, but he talks to them all and he is best friends with the prettiest girl in school. Heres what some may say lays the problem he has some feminine ways, he is well dressed, he loves fashion, he only has one guy friend and that friend acts just the same way. Every day your son goes to school here comes Donny and Johnny messing with him calling him every gay name there is. Johnny even goes so far he starts abusing your son every time he saw him. They even jumped him before. He comes home and tries to cover up. As a parent of a soon to be teenager you take it as he is getting into his teen ways so you brush it off. He goes back the next day for them to jump him again. He goes in to class with black eye and bruises but the teacher brushes it off because he is a boy. This goes on until eighth grade year when Donny and Johnny beat him so bad he has to be rushed to the hospital. What can you say to him, im sorry can’t change anything. What happens to Donny and Johnny they get kicked out of school A just to go to school B and do the same thing to some one just like your son.
All these questions are great question but it all could have been avoided. I believe as a parent its your job to know your kids. Many parents say Im not your best friend Im your parent, and when you say that it can shut a kid off to tell you important things in their life because they feel if you don’t like it you will discipline and judge them because you are their parent. As a parent I believe you should develop that relationship where as soon as he started getting tease your son could have came to you and told you what happen. I know parents want to protect their child from everything. But as parent you know we have to learn something’s on our own. Should dealing with bullies be one of the things we learn on our own?
The school is at fault to a degree, but as a parent you should have known something was wrong. Children give hints of letting you know what’s going on and you help make and give birth to the child so why you don’t know when to pick up those signals. Violence is not the answer but if you know your child maybe an easy target for bullying then you should teach them how to protect themselves. From these ignorant people, help your child know who they are that way if someone says something they can brush it off because they know who they are.
Help your child be the best they can be by not going up against the ugly monsters of their world. Teach your child that they are the best. Encourage and achieve that relationship where they can come to you about anything especially this. Because it’s not fun going through this alone.
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