

They say the biggest predjuice is race, but i dont agree i believe the biggest predjuice is weight. You can be the most qualified for a job,and you walk into the room for an interview. They see your obese they will immedatly start to judge you on if you are capable of doing the work. You may have the best resume' but becuase of your weight they said no. This is just one of the societal problems of being obese. Another is people will tease no matter how old u get people still act like their in elementary and will have something to say about your weight. An if you are older but you have a job with childern they can be mean and say something about your weight. With obesity you have health problems you may not have the usual problems that they say you will have but you will have something. You miight not have diabetes,high blood pressure, or a high chlostral. But you  coulf have something like asthma or puesdotumorceribri. You could even have sleep apnea. the list goes on for obesed people. But people should not judge them.

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