
parents kids, &money

For a parent to give their child money means they trust their child with that money. In some cases you have the parents who only give their child money of them doing something great. Then you have the parents who give the kids money whenever they ask no matter how much it is. You would even get the parents who give their child the same amount to barely make it where they are going.
     If I were these children parents I would do how my parents do me. First they ask me where I am going and how long I will be there. After that they give me money based on the situation. Sometimes they even test me and give me just enough with that enough they try to see if I’m financially responsible to do what I need to do without putting my wants first. I think if the parents applied these methods to all children they will find out if they are helping their child or not.  This also will show the parents if their child has its priorities in order.
    The knowledge you would be helping your child get it’s something that will help them survive in the world. This will teach them how to be independent and how to make it without your help as a parent which I’m sure every parent would love to know. The phrase money makes the world goes round, but to me if you don’t know how to manage your money eventually the world will stop spinning. When I do become a parent I will gladly show my kids how to make it in this society especially when we can go into an economic downfall like the one we are in now.
          As a parent the last thing you want to do is see your child suffer. So you would not want to see your child struggling to make ends meet. You would try to do all you can as their parent to help them out. I feel if you started them off on the right track then you want have to help them out. It’s up to the parents to teach their children when they are young. Instead of doing it as a reward because with rewards that is not how it’s going to work in the real world they will have to know how to save spend and how to have their priorities in order. You as a parent must also teach the differences between a need and a want, this also affects how people spend and save their money they will put their wants above their needs. Unless the child was brought up to know you put your needs first then when and if you can afford it do u spend some of your money on your wants but not all of them you take them maybe one or two at a time.
      When I become a parent I hope to teach my child all the right things and all the things I can, especially the money subject. I don’t want to see my children suffer because I did not take the time to teach them the ways of saving. Even though money is a touchy subject I will be sure to teach my children how to keep and multiply not spend and lose, because no one likes a loser.

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