
People say driving is a privilege not a right. Yet some of these adults have been abusing there privilege as a driver. Many young people would appreciate the privilege to drive just to be able to establish some independence from their parents. I mean we have all been there wanting to drive but the adults got the upper hand since technology wasn’t as big back then license came at a young age. Now you have to basically be an adult to get your license and drive like an adult.
     In this day and age the law states that in order for you to get a license without all the restriction you must be 18. If you are any younger you can’t even register for a license until you are 15 and a half. Then once you get your license you must have a provisional license. This provisional license means you have a curfew on driving your car, and you can’t transport minors your first year. This curfew last until you turn 18.
     Once you turn 18 you can be free from restrictions. You still have to follow the laws of the road, but your free from a curfew. People say that when you are young you are distracted by the things around you, especially in  this tech-savvy day and age. They say because your are young you will get distracted by the little things and get into an accident. If this rule applies to us as young people it should also apply to older people. Everyone is prone to get into an accident, some more than others. The same reason they believe we will be too distracted to drive, the reason why our car insurance is higher is because older people and the insurance companies think we are going to text. An if I’m not mistaken many older people have gotten tickets and have killed people because they were doing the exact thing they don’t want us to do.
       I think people are just scared because they don’t want to see their son or daughter niece or nephew grow up. They can remember when they were babies now they are behind the wheel establishing that their making it in this world. Everyone is going to come to this point at some moment in their life it’s what the transformation between being a teenager to a young adult is all about. At the age of 16 you should be able to drive without the restrictions. Instead of waiting until you are 18. The same rules apply to everyone and everyone will follow them or suffer the consequences you cant jus penalized a certain age. Especially when the people who may have had their license for year now do the exact same thing that a teenager might do.
        I think 16 should be the age to get your license because not every 16 year old will abuse their privilege, and as a kid you would want to get in so good with your parents you would try hard not to do anything to mess up you driving alone on your own. Don’t penalize us as young adults just because you aren’t ready to see us grow up. Especially when some of the adults on the road act like they don’t even know the rule book or don’t know what to do.

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